Captivating audiences for over four decades, we are pleased to announce our newest and current exhibition of renowned photographer, Laura Wilson. Titled “The Heartland,” this show focuses on Wilson’s powerful photographs of the American West. Laura Wilson's exhibition The Heartland has captivated audiences since its opening, offering a stunning glimpse into the diverse traditions and cultures that define Texas and the American West. Through a collection of powerful photographs, Wilson showcases the vibrant life of the region, capturing rodeo trick riders, cowboys, homecoming celebrations, and iconic landmarks. Each image resonates with the rich history and unique spirit of the heartland, highlighting the complexities and beauty of its people and landscapes.
Through her evocative photographs, she brings to life the cultures and customs that have shaped the region over generations, offering a powerful portrait of a place where history and identity are deeply intertwined. The exhibition captures the essence of the heartland, showcasing moments and figures that continue to resonate as symbols of Texas and the broader Western experience. At the closing reception of The Heartland, attendees will have the exclusive opportunity to meet Laura and purchase a signed, limited edition exhibition catalogue. We encourage guests to attend, offering a personal connection to the work and a lasting piece of the exhibition to take home. Whether for personal reflection or as a unique gift, the catalogue serves as a perfect way to preserve the experience and continue to immerse oneself in the rich traditions and cultures of the American heartland.
Event Details at a Glance:
Exhibition: “The Heartland”
Dates: December 12, 2024 – February 22, 2025
Venue: Fort Works Art
2100 Montgomery Street, Fort Worth, TX 76107